We manufacture our
heavy duty boat dock hardware using 1/4" steel. If you use the
right materials the first time, it will ensure you
a dock that will be able to ride out those high winds
and choppy waters. All dock hardware is made for 1/2" carriage
bolts and is hot dipped galvanized after fabrication.
Our hardware can be used with up to 4" thick lumber.
Need some help knowing where everything goes? Our
experienced staff can help. Contact
WOOD DOCK PLAN KITS - Are you thinking of building your own dock but just need a place to start? Our FREE Wood Dock Plan Kits may be just what you are looking for. Our easy to understand plan kits show you how to build a wood floating dock, the right way the first time. This is a valuable time-saver for the do-it-yourselfer.
A new feature that we now offer on our web site is a parts list to help you know how many floats, hardware and bolts you will need. Just click here.
Got Bolts?

(WH-IC) The inside corner, working
opposite the outside corner, sandwiches the wood,
keeping bolts from burying themselves in the wood.
This corner gusset will give the dock a lot of strength
and stability. |
(WH-OCE) The outside corner end
is used at the ends of dock, ends of fingers, or corners
of swim platforms. |
WH-OCE - Outside Corner End |
(WH-A) Angles are used with a Washer
Plate (WH-W) to hold cross stringers
to side stringers. These two pieces of steel sandwich
the wood, creating a solid corner. |
(WH-W) The washer plate is used
primarily with Angles (WH-A) and Cleat
Angles (WH-CA). The plate has two
square holes to keep the carriage bolts from turning
when tightening them. |
(WH-B) Use the Backup Plate with
our Single "T" Males (WH-SM) and Single
"T" Females (WH-SF) for additional
strength. They also keep the bolts from pulling through
your wood. |
(WH-SM) The Single "T" Male has
one 5/8" tab with a hole for a 3/4" Connector Pin
(B-PIN) and is used with a Single
"T" Female (WH-SF) or Outside Corner
Female (WH-OCF). The male and female
singles can both be used to make finger attachments
by bolting them to the side of a dock. They can also
be used to make ramps by bolting them to seawalls. |
(WH-SF) The Single "T" Female has
two 1/2" tabs with holes for a 3/4" Connector Pin
(B-PIN) and is used with a Single
"T" Male (WH-SM) or Outside Corner
Male (WH-OCM). The male and female
singles can both be used to make finger attachments
by bolting them to the side of a dock. They can also
be used to make ramps by bolting them to seawalls. |
WH-SF - Single "T" Female |
(WH-OCM) The Outside Corner Male
has one 5/8" tab with a hole for a 3/4" Connector
Pin (B-PIN). Use with an Outside
Corner Female (WH-OCF) or with a Single
"T" Female (WH-SF) at the corner of
your dock to attach a finger or dock section. |
WH-OCM - Outside Corner Male |
(WH-OCF) The Outside Corner Female
has two 1/2" tabs with holes for a 3/4" Connector
Pin (B-PIN). Use with an Outside
Corner Male (WH-OCF) or with a Single
"T" Male (WH-SF) at the corner of
your dock to attach a finger or dock section. |
WH-OCF - Outside Corner Female |
(WH-CA) The cleat angle has slots
that accommodate various cleat sizes. Bolt the cleat
angle to the side stringer using a Washer Plate (WH-W).
Then bolt the cleat through the deck into the cleat
angle. This will ensure that the cleat will not pull
out of the deck. |
(WH-SP) Our Splice Plates were designed to join two timbers together. One is used on each side. The bolt holes are drilled so that an angle and 1/ 1/2" lumber can be added at the splice and end up at the end of the splice. Our Splice Plates are sold in pairs. |
Outside Corner Female/Female |
(WH-OCFF) Made to add a finger on the corner, and saves using a H-SM or H-SF. |
WH-OCFF - Outside Corner Female/Female |
Outside Corner Female/Male |
(WH-OCFM) Made to add a finger on the corner, and saves using a H-SM or H-SF. |
WH-OCFM - Outside Corner Female/Male |
(WH-OCMM) Made to add a finger on the corner, and saves using a H-SM or H-SF. |
WH-OCMM - Outside Corner Male/Male |
 WH-RA - Roller Assembly |
Inside Corner - 3" I.D. Pipe Holder |
(WH-ICP3) Use the Inside Corner -
3" I.D. Pipe Holder in place of a regular inside corner
to accommodate a 2" I.D. pipe. The 3" Pipe Holder
is welded in place. |
WH-ICP3 - Inside Corner 3" I.D. Pipe Holder |
(WHP-3) Our 3" Pipe Holder bolts
to a side stringer. Use a 2" standard pipe to anchor
your dock in place. |
(WH-CRS) Our Chain Retainer bolts to the side of your dock and uses chain to hold the dock in place. You can use 5/16", 3/8" or 1/2"chain. Use either (2) WH-W or (1) B as back up plates. 5" L x 5" H. |
Click here for other anchoring options.
Dock Finger Stabilizers
 (Click to enlarge)
Outside Corner Male 45 Degree Angle |
WH-OC45 - Outside Corner Male 45 Degree Angle |
Outside Corner Male Stabilizer |
WH-OCMST - Outside Corner Male Stabilizer |
WH-135 - Finger Stabilizers |
